
Lately I’ve been thinking of my purpose. What am I here to do? As many of us wonder from time to time. Obviously that can be ever changing and take many forms. Overall I know I’m meant to help. I’m a helper. Not so much a physical work kind of helper (but I’ll help you move if you need me 😉 ) but more of a listener and advice giver kind of helper. I’ve felt that way for a really long time I’ve just been waiting on what exactly I’m supposed to do to help others. Years back I was very much into working out, lifting, and eating healthy. (still am today) I started a private group on Facebook helping girls out with getting on track, gave workout advice, shared healthy tips for eating, etc. I really enjoyed that and felt like I was helping, not to mention I was doing something I loved. Fast forward to today, I started a blog as an outlet for what was going on in my life. I have journal-ed for years and years and had thought about starting a blog but always pushed the idea to the back of my mind and now here I am. I know I haven’t helped hundreds and thousands of people by posting about my life experiences but I have helped a few. Hearing from people that read my blog and having them tell me it’s helping them out really feels great! I know I’m helping someone and that’s what it’s all about, other than me spewing out my feelings so all ya’ll can read it. 🙂 Once again though I feel like I’m helping and that reassures me I’m doing the right thing, on the right path in life and it puts me at ease. I personally believe we all have a purpose, big or small, we all have one. Try to find your purpose, your passion, your love in life. I know helping is mine so I’m going to continue to try and help others the best that I can.

Have a fun and safe holiday weekend!

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