Fresh Perspective

So today I decided to put me first and go on a little downtown adventure, by myself, to the Columbus Museum of Art.

Lately I’ve felt like I’ve just been going through the motions of life, kind of forgetting to stop and enjoy it. Winter can easily do that to me. When I finally realized I was doing that to myself my first step in getting out of my mundane cycle was to start reading a motivational book. Those always get me thinking differently and open up my mind. So I started reading “You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero, I’d read it before and loved it. Today I read over a part of the book that said “do things you love”. It said to look at my life and see where I’m letting myself down. That got me thinking, what haven’t I done in awhile that I love doing? Going on hikes popped up in my mind first but living in Ohio and the temps being close to negatives at the moment, it’s not necessarily first on my list of things to do. Second was going to art galleries. I love going to art galleries. Looking at art has become very therapeutic to me over the years, mainly thanks to my friend Ian, who has opened me up to many different forms of art over the years. Looking at art gives me a sense of escape from the world around me. It opens my mind and gives me a fresh perspective on life. It’s renewing.

So today I did just that. I took the advice from my book and acted on it. I took time for me and did something I love. It felt great and I feel refreshed. It also made me remember that I live in this amazing city with tons of opportunity around me and things to do. There is so much life being lived around me and sometimes I forget that. I get caught up in the winter blues and find myself just waiting for these cold months to pass that I forget there is still life to be lived and experiences to be had. I shouldn’t wait for these days to pass and hope for better. I should enjoy each day, whether it’s -5 outside or 75.

I’m extremely thankful for this fresh perspective and the many years of reading motivational/self help books. As cheesy as people may think they are I think they are extremely good for your mind. They can really open you up to new ways of thinking and can have a positive impact on your life for the long run.

Cheers to a new year and an open mind.

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